We spend a large portion of our lives at work. Whether you work full- or part-time, at a workplace or remote, in front of a computer or on your feet, or anywhere in between, it’s important to make healthy habits part of your daily work routine.
We have a few tips from the American Heart Association on making your workplace more heart-healthy, but we’d love to hear your ideas as well. Share in the comments or on our Facebook page!
Get Moving
Moving more at work starts with the commute. Walk, bike or take public transit if possible, or park far away and take the stairs instead of the elevator. Move often throughout the day by setting a recurring alarm in your calendar. Stand during telephone calls, and plan walking meetings with coworkers. You’ll find yourself with more energy and motivation!

Stretch and Tone
Spending all day hunched in front of a computer can take a toll. Spend a few minutes stretching out your neck, back and legs. Use your desk chair or cubicle wall to do modified exercises, like tricep dips and squats.
Focus on Stress
Stress can be a huge contributor to heart disease. Practice mindfulness and deep breathing to deal with day-to-day stressors. If chronic stress is an issue, consider talking to a mental health professional. (Many employer-provided health plans have some sort of mental health hotline to help defray costs.)
Take Advantage of Health Benefits
Whether you have employer-provided health insurance or not, your plan most likely includes annual exams and basic screenings, such as for blood pressure and cholesterol. Find out what your plan covers and take advantage of it! In many cases of heart disease, early preventative action can make a big difference.
Get Trained in CPR!
Because every office worker should know how to save a life.
HeartCert CPR is your trusted training partner for First Aid and CPR in the Twin Cities and throughout Minnesota. We now offer online, night and weekend classes to fit your busy schedule! We offer a variety of courses, including CPR/AED/First Aid and CPR/AED, Basic Life Support (BLS), Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS), Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS), and Emergency Medical Responder – First Responder (EMR).
Find your CPR class at any of our convenient Twin Cities locations, including our new headquarters, HeartCert CPR Eagan.
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